Would you like to serve the parish community at mass? New ministers are welcomed at all mass times!
Some thoughts from those who are currently serving:
“I feel personally connected with everyone in the church”
“a positive experience, and gives me a boost of energy”
“I have learned to love God and revere him more”
“I have seen peoples’ spirits truly lifted in the hospitals & nursing homes simply
because I’ve stopped by”
“The church is my home, I no longer feel mass is long or worse yet, boring”
“the joy and peace that comes from being a small part of something so much larger than just me”

Liturgical Ministers serve at the Saturday or Sunday Mass they typically attend each weekend making these positions perfect for those who have a desire to be active in their parish and faith, but are pressed for time during the work week. Liturgical Ministers are asked to commit to serving once a month (12 times a year) and once during an Easter or Christmas mass. All ministers will receive training prior to beginning their ministry.
Consider the following ministries:
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild care for the Church building and keep this holy place in order and prepare it for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. Most Guild members assist one weekend per month. Included in this ministry are the cleaning and maintenance of the altar linens and vestments; caring for and arranging flowers, and the cleaning and preparation of the altar.
Altar Servers
Boys and girls who have received their First Holy Communion and are at least in the third grade may be trained to serve at the Altar for the Sunday Masses and other liturgical services. This ministry is also open to teens.
Environment Committee
Members of the Environment Committee serve the parish by helping mark the movement of the Liturgical Year and prepare a festive and prayerful environment for the celebration of the Liturgy. The committee includes designers, floral arrangers, seamstresses, and those interested in fabric arts as well as those who can help with the physical labor involved in changing the worship environment.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers of Holy Communion are members of the parish who assist the Celebrant in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during Mass. To be a Minister of Holy Communion, one must be a Roman Catholic who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If married, one must have received the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church. Training is conducted periodically at the parish. Ministers of Holy Communion must receive delegation by the Bishop to serve in the parish.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick (EM)
Some EMs are sent from Mass to bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to join the parish community for the celebration of the Liturgy. This ministry serves parishioners who are in local hospitals, both short-term and long-term; in assisted-living facilities; in nursing homes and hospice; and who are home-bound for any reason. To be a Minister of Holy Communion, one must be a Roman Catholic who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If married, one must have received the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church. Training is conducted periodically at the parish. Ministers of Holy Communion must receive delegation by the Bishop to serve at the parish.
Greeters and Hospitality Ministers
Ministers of Hospitality are members of the parish who help to maintain a sense of order during the celebration of the Mass. Ministers of Hospitality hand out hymnals and worship aids and greet people as they arrive, assist with seating, handle the collection, and distribute bulletins.
Those who read Scripture at Mass. If you have a love of Scripture, have experience as a public speaker (or would like to have experience), then consider training as a lector.
Adult Choir (10 AM Mass)
The choir is a friendly group that prays together, rehearses on Tuesday evenings (7:30 to 9:00 PM in the church) and sings on Sundays at the 10 AM Mass. Come and learn more about your hidden talents, body posture, general health and ability to produce resonant sound. Training will be provided. For more information, please call our choir director, Grant Sevdayan, at (310) 200-7613 or e-mail choir@svdphb.org

Ready to get involved?
Call Eliut Sanchez, at 714.842.3000 x101 or Send an Email to: liturgy@svdphb.org