Baptism is a sacrament in the Catholic Church that signifies a person's initiation into the Christian faith. It involves pouring or immersing water over the head of the person being baptized, while saying specific prayers and invoking the Holy Spirit. The rite of baptism is considered a foundation of the Catholic faith, and is typically performed on infants, but can also be performed on older children, teens and adults. The person being baptized makes a public profession of faith and is welcomed into the community of the Church.
Infant Baptism
Baptism is the first sacrament celebrated in the process of initiation into the Catholic Church. the waters of baptism symbolize life and death, washing and cleansing, and the mystery of new life out of death. at the baptism of a child (or any person), we celebrate and reflect on God’s unconditional love and welcome him or her into our Christian faith.
“Parents are obliged to see to it that infants are baptized within the first weeks after birth.” (code of canon law 867).
El Bautismo
El Bautismo es el primer sacramento celebrado en el proceso de iniciación en la Iglesia Católica. Las aguas del bautismo simbolizan la vida y la muerte, el lavado y la limpieza, y el misterio de la nueva vida de la muerte. En el bautismo de un niño (o cualquier persona), celebramos y reflexionamos sobre el amor incondicional de Dios y le damos la bienvenida a nuestra fe cristiana.
Los padres tienen obligación de hacer que los hijos sean bautizados en las primeras semanas; cuanto antes después del nacimiento e incluso antes de él, acudan al párroco para pedir el sacramento para su hijo y prepararse debidamente.
Si el niño se encuentra en peligro de muerte, debe ser bautizado sin demora. (Canónico 867)
Baptism for older children, adolescents and adults
Children older than 7 years and adolescents who desire Baptism in the Catholic faith will discern their readiness for this Sacrament as part of the Faith Formation process. The parents and godparents will prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism by attending preparation sessions for families with younger children. All preparation sessions are in English. For children age 7 to 13 please discuss your concerns with the Faith Formation Director. High school teens should discuss the process with the Youth Minister.
Adults (anyone 18 years and older) who desire Baptism in the Catholic faith will begin the process by participating in our weekly Inquiry sessions. For more information on Adult Baptism and Becoming Catholic please visit this web page:

Get in Touch
For additional questions about Baptism, please contact Eliut Sanchez, 714.842.3000 x101.