Becoming Catholic

Welcome, and congratulations! You have taken the first step to becoming Catholic by visiting our website! Just as we are all unique individuals, so is your faith journey. We would like to walk with you in this journey as you explore the Catholic Church through participating in our discovery sessions.
As you journey through this inquiry period, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions about the Catholic Faith and learn about Catholic traditions, practices and beliefs, in a very comfortable and informative environment. Inquiry sessions are available every Wednesday at 7 PM in Room E. (to the right of the entrance to the Parish Hall). No registration is required.
What are the steps of Christian Initiation of Adults?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the name of the process where adults become full and active members of the Catholic Church. There are four milestones in the process that identify where an individual is on the path, but most important to keep in mind is that there no set timeline. Seekers move from one stage to the next dependent upon their readiness for the next step.
Period of Inquiry – The Precatechumenate
In this stage the seeker has experienced the first beginnings of conversion. They begin to see how God is working in their lives and to ask questions about faith and life as a Christian. Inquiry sessions are available every Wednesday at 7 PM in Room E. (to the right of the entrance to the Parish Hall). No registration is required.
Period of Knowledge – The Catechumenate
Now called a “catechumen” the seeker enters the first rite, Rite of Acceptance, and is welcomed to the parish community. The catechumen attends Mass regularly and participates in “Dismissal” a time of reflection on the weekly readings with a catechist facilitating the discussion. Catechumens also attend formal catechetical sessions that focus on key concepts and theology of the Catholic Faith. This period ends with the “Rite of Election”. To register for OCIA, please click here.
Purification and Enlightenment
At the Rite of Election the local bishop accepts the catechumen as being ready to receive the Rites of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist. It is a intense time of personal preparation during the Season of Lent that concludes at the Easter Vigil. After the Easter Vigil our catechumens are now known as “neophytes”, the newly baptized.
For fifty days following the celebration of Easter, the neophytes are now full active participants in the parish community. They remain with the community through the entire Mass and receive Holy Communion. During this time the neophyte is preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

We look forward to the opportunity to speak to you and provide more details. You can reach us by email at cwallace@svdphb.org or complete the registration form, we’ll contact you to start the conversation. We look forward to hearing from you.
Fr. David Otto, Deacon Jerry and Cathryn Wallace